Today was a typical lazy Sunday day, starting off watching 'Sunday Brunch' that programme followed by some football games and writing part of my horror story.
But I spent most time today emailing various charities offering to volunteer in some way. I have nothing but time on my hands and I'm desperate to offer my services to help out.
I have been thinking of me and my MS. Scotland is the worldwide capital of number of population with this devastating debilitating illness....and the help out there is poor. The feeling that I relate most to is the feeling of isolation and being cast adrift.
It is with this in mind, I will also be creating a website to help MS sufferers, documenting help in their area, I will also be making this information available to the Health Professionals as it is scary how many don't know or recommend helpful facilities in their area....this has to change!!!! And I'm going to give it a go.
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